This blog is devoted to the litter of miniature dachshunds produced by Mandy and Snoopee on May 1st, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007

Puppy pile - 1 week old!

Well, in about eight hours they will officially be one week old. Mandy is becoming less anxious about her new puppies and is leaving "the nest" more frequently for food and attention. It must be a drag to lay there all day nursing! We have been weighing the puppies every day to monitor their weight gain. They have all gained about four to five ounces. They have grown and wriggle so much that they don't fit in my Weight Watchers scale very well, so I think it's safe to say the official weighing is over unless I can acquire a more secure and reliable scale. We are all just happy that they are healthy and growing like weeds.

Much to the chagrin of a particular daughter (which shall remain nameless), I have named the puppies after candy, as suggested by my daughter Hailey. Here is our "little" girl "Snickers." She is the biggest puppy and a voracious eater!

"Skor" looks just like his half brother, Sam, our other dachshund from Mandy's first litter, right down to the little white star on his chest. He won't be even close to Sam's size when he's full grown. Sam ended up weighing 17 pounds - not even in the miniature category. Skor is precious - very calm and mellow.

"Skittles" is our little oddity. It's interesting to watch him change every day. His nose is turning black and he's getting more of a golden hue to his coat. We've had a number of people ask if he's an albino. He is not! His daddy is a piebald. He has a white coat with red spots. So that explains our creamy white puppy. They are very rare, and I am excited that we got one!

"Gumdrop" is the perfect name for our little runt. He is just so little and cute, but he's becoming quite feisty and knows how to fight for his food. He's doubled his birth weight, so I'm not worried.


Morgan said...

oh, they are getting so cute. I had a dream last night that we were in Santa Cruz and looking at the puppies and they were disgustingly ugly, so I am very relieved to see that they are still tiny and cute!

whitney said...

i can't wait to see them! so cute! joel and kadin are looking at the pictures right now and they are so excited. joel just said, "i want to go to grandma's house and see the puppies."

jillian said...

snuggle puppies!!! I like to hold these little guys and single snuggle puppy to them. especially the little black one (who has been re-named wolverine in my mind, sorry mom) because he will actually stay curled up in my hands. soo cute!

Morgan said...

so I take it jill as the one that didn't want you to name them after candy. "snuggle puppy...ooooo..." So cute!

Lisa Busath said...

Yes, you guessed right. She keeps trying to call them names from the X-men -- it's not going to happen!

Summer Adams said...

Hi Lisa! It's Summer! Your pups are soooo cute. I have a little 7lb. yorkie names Giorgio and we loooove dogs. Especially little ones :) These pics are adorable. I'm gonna have to check your blog from time to time and see them grow. Hope all is well with you guys! Hugs, Summer